Tuesday 3 June 2014

Papercraft Essentials Inspiration

Morning to you all

Today I am thrilled to let you know that a couple of months ago, the lovely Dulcie owner of 

asked me

 to create some cards for the Papercraft Essentials Magazine, 
Dulcie asks all of the design team in turn and this was my turn and yesterday my copy popped through the door, and with excitement increased as one of my cards is on the front cover.

Now I am allowed to share one card with you, so will be doing that tomorrow along with - yes you guessed it some 

more candy 

So to wet your appetite's for tomorrows posting and to encourage you all to hop out and buy a copy

Looks interesting doesn't it, I will be back tomorrow with that inspiration and the candy



  1. Congratulations Kate, it's a stunning card. I'll look out for it when I go shopping today x

  2. Congratulations, I'm not surprised you are over the moon.So pleased for you.Hugs Debbie x

  3. Congratulations Kate, you deserve it! Beautiful card! :)

  4. Gorgeous card! I can see why it's on the cover!!

  5. Congratulations on your success!!! A gorgeous card !!!


Thank you so much for dropping by to view the lovely inspiration provided by the Design Team, and thank you for leaving a comment.